Daily Scripture and Prayer

Welcome to Rhythm of Prayer, a twice daily prayer commitment. By rhythm of prayer, we mean regular, fixed times of the day. The morning and the night are often cited in the Psalms as a call to prayer. This commitment is designed for 7 weeks to reconnect you to the Spirit of GOD. Twice a day for ten weeks will set your daily rhythm to the Spirit’s tempo. This inventory has been adapted WITH PERMISSION from the Crossings church in MO.
If your life feels chaotic, structure is a gift. If your heart is battered by anxiety, structure can protect you from the waves. If your spirit is stagnant, structure can guide new growth. Christians throughout the ages have understood this and designed rhythms of prayer by which the Spirit can guide, protect, and nurture our souls. Just as the wise farmer builds trellises to grow vines, the Spirit uses the trellis of daily prayer and scripture to grow you. This outline is intended to reconnect you to the Spirit of Jesus. Whenever you choose to begin, your commitment is for 7 weeks.

These prayers are inspired by the Psalms and by the ancient wisdom of apprentices of Jesus. May these prayers help you find solitude. Find peace. Find God. And make the Spirit your rhythm.

Morning Prayer. Begin your prayer time with the LORD’S Prayer. Each new day remembering this thought. Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly (Ps. 5:3) A new day is beginning. God invites you into His presence. God invites you to give your day to Him. God invites you to give your life to Him. Join your brothers and sisters in Christ in prayer and meditation.
Afternoon/Evening Prayer. Begin this time with the LORD’S Prayer. As you settle into each afternoon/evening, remind yourself of the following. On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night (Ps. 63:6). Morning has passed. The day is winding down. God meets us in our joy and our exhaustion. In our hope and our anxiety. He calls us to finish well and supplies us everything we need by grace. Join your brothers and sisters in Christ in prayer and meditation.