We’re glad you made a choice to commit to this series of devotional meditations. This series is a part of an attempt designed to assist Christians to walk toward Spiritual Maturity.

Each section will consist of a short Bible reading for each day of the week. There will also be a short paragraph of basic commentary about the focus for the week followed by a few questions that are designed to help you focus on the scriptures you read. This is not intended to be an in depth study of anything, but it is born from a deep desire to get people back into meditating on God’s Word.

Since each week builds on the previous week, I encourage you to prayerfully dedicate yourself to staying with your commitment, even if you miss a day or two. I also encourage you to speak with someone who will participate with you on this journey or at least hold you accountable to stay with it. May God richly Bless you in your desire to walk closer with HIM.

If you have any comments or questions, please email me.
